The Fedora Weekly News has a new issueThe new issue of the Fedora Weekly News have been announced. You can find it here. This is the official announcement from Pascal V. Calarco, Fedora
Good news from Mozilla.orgThe Mozilla Community released the new versions of Firefox and Thunderbird: the prominent 5. For me, there are many good reasons for use them: A lot of bug correctionsBetter
Today has arrived to my mailbox a Jesser Noller’s message from the Python Announcements Mailing List announcing the International Survey of the Python User Groups Organizers. If you don’t know to
Today, I received many good news on my mailbox, well, at least for me. Apache Traffic Server 3.0.0 ReleasedThe first one is from Apache Software Foundation about the new release of
A well described message from Todd Lipcon, Software Engineer at Cloudera on the Apache Hadoop General Mailing list explained how to become on a committer of the project. The first action that you