Announcing Hadoop release 1.0.1 Stable Apache Hadoop 1.0.1 is a stable releaseToday in the Hadoop general mailing list Matt Foley, Release Manager for the version 1.0 of the
Post Doctoral position for Data Mining practitionersYangchang Zhao, administrator of the R Data Mining Google Group, just announces now a Post Doctoral position in Montpellier, France related to Apache Hadoop and its ecosystem.
Data Scientist is the sexy role for the next 20 yearsThis phrased was said by Hal Varian, Chief Financial Officer(CFO) at Google, in a interview to Mckinsey Quaterly News. Varian, who together
PgCon 2012: One of the main PostgreSQL events of the yearPgCon 2012 is one of the main PostgreSQL events in the year, and Dan Langille announced today on the pgcon-announce’s mailing list
PostgreSQL: the amazing blue elephantPostgreSQL is one of my favorite Open Source projects for so many reasons: It was one of the first Open Source projects that I knew (I’m a proud