Hadley Wickham and Michael E Driscoll are in the same team now

Hadley Wickham and Michael E. Driscoll: What a duo !!!

Yes, these are great news for the Data Science movement: Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham), PhD, the Assistant Professor of the Department of Statistics in the Rice University, well known for the creation of ggplot2, the amazing R package for Data Visualization, has a new title right now: Data Scientist in Residence at Metamarkets Group, the company co-founded and managed by Michael E. Driscoll (@medriscoll), PhD, another brilliant mind of the Data Science space.

If you read the blog post at the Metamarkets Group, you should had noted that Wickham is learning Javascript, and in particular, D3.js, the great data visualization library written by Mike Bostock, and after I saw the Wickham’s profile at GitHub, its seems that he is working in a combination of ggplot2 and D3.js called r2d3.

I don’t know what do you think about this; for me this is great, seeing two Big Data rockstars working together on interesting projects and driving the future of Big Data analytics. Personally, I admire to the whole team at Metamarkets Group because they built a Petabyte Data Platform called Druid on top of AWS, optimized for performance, with a peak of 26 billions of operations per second. Is not awesome?

So, stay tuned to the Metamarkets Group blog about the work of Hadley there, I think that it will reshape the data visualization field…again !!!

Happy Hacking !!!
 Marcos Luis Ortíz Valmaseda