DataStax Enterprise 3.0: A synonym for High Secure Real-Time Analytics

Some days ago, I had the pleasure to talk with two Apache Cassandra experts. The first was Edward Capriolo, a Hadoop System Administrator at Media6Degrees, organizer of the NYC Cassandra User Group and NYC NoSQL Meetups, author of the incredible “Cassandra High Performance Cookbook” book and one of the DataStax´s MVP.

The second was the same Jonathan Ellis, DataStax’s Chief Technology Officer and co-founder, who leads Apache Cassandra’s project too.

With Edward, the questions were simple: “Why do you recommend to use Cassandra for Big Data projects, and How M6D is using Cassandra today for its great advertising plaform?”. The answer is in his amazing talk called: Increasing your Prospects — Cassandra in Online Advertising in the C* 2012:

With Jonathan, it was a nice chat about a great blog post that he published on his blog about how to prepare a technical talk, and then we talked about my favorite features in DataStax Enterprise 3.0, which ended in an introduction to Robin Schumacher, Vice President of Products at DataStax (If you are following DataStax’s blog, you should his “Confessions of a DBA”). That’s the main reason for this blog post: to expose my favorite features one by one.

But first, What is DataStax Enterprise (DSE)?

DataStax Enterprise is the commercial Big Data platform built on top of Apache Cassandra, Hadoop, and Apache Solr ready for Enterprise customers, architected to manage real-time, analytic, and enterprise search data all in the same database cluster. But the last release is going beyond analytics. It’s focused in the security of Big Data applications, one point that I touched in the last post.

What’s new in DSE 3.0

Like I said, this new version is focused in Security:

Why I think that all matters? If you read my blog post about Cybercrime, you should know that everyday appear new kind of cyber-attacks and the most precious information right now is precisely Data. So, with these features, DataStax is bringing to the Enterprise world a new kind of product focused in two things: Real-Time Analytics and Security. To read more about all the features present in DSE 3.0, you should read its official docs here.

Who are DataStax’s high profile customers?

Do you want to see who is using DSE today? There a lot of amazing examples, but my favorite are: Netflix, eBay and HealthCare Anytime. You can see Brady Kilk, Chief Executive Officer at HealthCare Anytime, and to Terrell Depper, Chief Technology Officer at HealthCare Anytime, talking about their challenges and how they DataStax improved its core business using DSE:


Cassandra Summit 2013 Recap

The interest by Cassandra and its integration with Hadoop, Solr, and other technologies are increasing everyday, and the last Summit was a live prove of that. Many developers, sysadmins, lead architects discussed for several days about Cassandra, and this is very good for the project, and of course, for DataStax too. Bill Bosworth, DataStax’s CEO talked about the massive success of the event in a blog post. But this team heard to their European customers and in October will be the next summit. You can take advantage right now of the early bird, so keep it in mind.


Just a little question: Could DataStax take Oracle’s business in the next years? I strongly believe that they can, and many of their customers already have migrated from Oracle. So, my dear Data-Driven fellows, keep a deep look over this team, and if you want to be part of them, just take a review for very good open positions in the company like:

Just listen to me: Don’t wait a second, apply today and take the chance to disrupt the hard “SQL”, “NewSQL” and “NoSQL” market.