200+ Global Facts about the State of Small Businesses in 2015

“Small Businesses are important for the global economy”, I said in a recent conversation with an U.S high-level executive the last week. “I know that”, he said to me, and continued “But, to create a good plan to launch a product focused in small and medium enterprises, we need to know how many of them are actually around the globe”. And my straight answer was: “I think you have to focus in at least 5 countries, 10 countries like maximum, because you can’t launch a product simultaneously in more than 10 countries at the same time, there are many different needs for SMEs around the world, even in a same country”.

I continued: “If you want to see a good example of internationalization, you can see read how Mina Radhakrishnan did it (1, 2) at Uber (now she is a EIR Redpoint Ventures), but you can note one thing: they have hundreds of employees, from many countries and different cultures, which is critical for a massive work like this one; and seriously my friend, you don’t that quantity of personnel to embrace this huge task”. And he said:”OK, I understand your point. So, if you were to select some countries, what they would be?”. And everything started with that conversation.

I’m a Data-Driven person, I always love an opportunity to prove a fact based in data, because I think it’s the best way to support a decision. So, I took this task to create an unique report where anyone could take whatever he/she needs about the Global State of Small and Medium Enterprises, a report that could be used by leaders what they are doing right or wrong about the support for SMEs, which there is more than one affirmation about the importance they have for the entire world economy.

So, I took the task to collect at least 75 facts about SMEs around the globe, but in the middle of the research, I saw that 75 was not enough to capture the importance of SMEs in many economies, so I raised the bar to more than 200 facts and stats about this. And the result was a big presentation with a lot of slides which I decided to give it freely, because the main idea is to help to anyone to share and see the numbers behind SMEs in some countries. You will see that, I focused in some countries, because to cover more than 20 countries, it’s a very difficult and long task; you could use this presentation like a framework to make your own research in your country (if it’s not here). So, like I say in the presentation: if you like one of these facts, please share it at Twitter (my handle is @marcosluis2186) with the #GlobalSmallBizFacts hashtag to measure then the engagement of the report. Thanks for reading (and sharing if you do it), and here you can see the report:

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